Japanese prints: the collection of Vincent van Gogh (B-070-1-327)
''All my work is based to some extent on Japanese art...''
Vincent van Gogh fell under the spell of Japanese printmaking in Paris, where he purchased more than 600 prints from a dealer. He hung them in his studio, and they taught him a new wat of looking at the world.
Van Gogh liked the unusual spatial effects, the expanses of strong colour, the everyday subjects and the attention of details from nature. He was also keen to find a modern, more primitive kind of painting that engaged directly with the viewer. Japanese prints showed him the way, with nature still as his starting point.
Here is a beautiful exploration of Van Gogh's obsession with Japan, revealing a selection of the prints he owned himself, all in the collection of the Van Gogh Museum. This opportunity to share Van Gogh's vision leands us a compelling insight into one of the most powerful creative influences behind his art.
Authors: Chris Uhlenbeck, Louis van Tilborgh & Shigeru Oikawa
Language: English
Cover: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-500-23989-6